For more information, please call: 804-528-8391


Meet Our Team

At Innovative Family Services, LLC, we believe that individuals and families contribute a lot to what the community will be. We provide services that empower these units for a better society.

The members of our staff make the delivery of our services possible. Each counselor has earned degrees in their respective fields and acquired specialized skills for their practice. They also possess varied experiences in rendering the specific programs that we offer.

Their qualifications are not the main things that make us proud of our counselors. It is their genuine care for you and your family and their commitment to your betterment.

Without our counselors, their qualifications and their commitment, our clients are unable to get enlightenment and rehabilitation out from the therapies they are going through.

We want to offer you the support that you need during troubled and challenging times in your personal or family life. Please call 804-528-8391 to talk to one of our counselors concerning your situation.